How to earn NT

How to stake in USDT Pool?

1.Click [Pool] and choose [USDT] pool.

2.Then click [Stake].

3.Input the amount of USDT and click [Confirm], then the mining will start.

How to stake in Rookie Pool?

1.Click [Pool] and select [Primary Rookie Pool].

2.Click [Stake] to input the amount of NT and click [Confirm], then the mining will start.

The tutorial about staking in Master Pool

1.When the level of Mining Farm reaches 10 and the computing power reaches 720K, the Master Pool will be unlocked. The revenue will be higher when staking in Master Pool, and extra NT-L Mining License will be produced.

2.Click [Pool] and select [Primary Master Pool]. Click [Stake] to input the amount of NT and the corresponding amount of USDT needed will be shown according to the current price. Wait about 3 seconds and click [Confirm], the mining will start.

3. NT and NT-L Mining License will be produced in Master Pool. KEY is need to collect Mining License. You can buy KEY in the game shop.

Click [Shop] and select [USDT]. Click [special items] to buy KEY.

4.When you have KEYs, click [Collect NT-L] to collect NT-L Mining License.

Last updated