🔥MiningTycoon V1 Commemorative NFTs and Exclusive Avatars Giveaway!

MiningTycoon V1 has been with us for eight months, and now we are about to start a new journey in MiningTycoon V2.

To appreciate all our players’ support all the way, NEXTYPE will issue MiningTycoon V1 Commemorative NFTs and design Exclusive Avatars.

1. MiningTycoon V1 Computing Power Commemorative NFT

Distribution Rules

200 MiningTycoon V1 Computing Power Commemorative NFTs will be issued and distributed to the top 100 players with the highest Computer Power on HECO chain and BNB Chain.

Game Benefits: Increase NT output in all Rookie Pools by 2%

2. MiningTycoon V1 Commemorative Avatar

Distribution Rule

Three kinds of Commemorative Avatars will be designed for NT Revenue, BTC Revenue, and Computing Power respectively.

The top 100 players with the highest NT Revenue, BTC Revenue, and Computing Power in MiningTycoon V1 on HECO Chain and BNB Chain will receive an Exclusive Avatar in MiningTycoon V2.

600 avatars in total will be distributed.

Again, we are very grateful to have your support. Let’s start our new journey in MiningTycoon V2 together.

Last updated